Global Capital Group

Yearly Schedule


Cannes - March

Europe's largest real estate conference


Munich - October

Biggest trade fair for real estate investment in Europe


Seoul - November

Largest conference focused on outbound capital


Tokyo - November

World's largest interdisciplinary real estate conference. Asia's most high-profile conference

canadian real estate forums

Toronto - December

Canada's largest annual national conference on real estate investment and management issues


Global Capital Group

Eric Anton and Nelson Lee, of Marcus & Millichap’s Global Capital Group, specialize in sourcing and raising foreign capital, specifically from Asia and Europe. 

Eric and Nelson attend real estate conferences across the globe with the goal of meeting foreign investors and/or institutions that want to invest in the NYC market.

$113B+ of Global Capital Flow to North America

The Global Capital Group at Marcus & Millichap recently hosted members from KOFIA at our Manhattan office.

The executed goal of this meeting was to educate foreign investors of the state of real estate in the United States, specifically Manhattan.

Speakers at the event included several senior directors of Marcus & Millichap, as well as Bill Baldwin of Forbes Magazine and Executives from Rabina Properties and Goulston & Storrs.